Wednesday 8 May 2013


You will attend history, theory & technology lectures and computer aided design tutorials, have essays to write, site visits to go on, and visits to buildings and places of interest. self-realisation on the part of the students could not be achieved through spoon-feeding; and that there needed to be a combination of the empirical and the poetic if a productive sensibility were to be achieved. the education of architects should include in much greater degree than it has, an acquaintance with industry, business methods, economics, and the study of structural sciences. collaborative learning focusing on development of personal style not ‘historic forms’. However, students’ work should be heavily grounded in an understanding of architectural and social theory. design studio both as a ‘didactic reconstruction of professional practice’, and as the occasion of the synthesis of the technical and the intellectual,Provide opportunities for hands-on building projects; and…specialist areas of study…for example sustainability, urban design or construction technology. Though repulsed by the idea of students as ‘oven-ready turkeys’, … schools should deliver a sound technical education. Skills in problem-solving and team-working are also developed through project work. the architect had to be an intellectual, that is to say someone who could be reflective about their own time and their own activity. to help evolve your own 'style' abolished the competitive method and substituted individual instruction schools should focus on both traditional model making and drawing while being able to competently use new technologies. In this generation, architectures students act as a bridge or transitional generation between the traditional architects and those heavily reliant on virtual technologies


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